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Open learning

Open, autonomous, modular learning

The project of Claudia von Medici High School Centre, which is unique in secondary schools throughout Italy, promotes individual and autonomous learning on the basis of modern methods and instruments of joint work as well as purposeful communication.

Our principles

  • Open learning is autonomous learning. Students choose their own learning objectives, pace, learning environment and learning partners. They organize their learning plan for the modules self-responsibly and within the framework of the annual programmes.
  • Students and teachers form learning partnerships.
  • Open learning relies on the ability of students to develop independent and creative learning processes.
  • Freedom requires self-discipline, consideration and responsible handling of the learning environment.
  • Open learning is individual learning and learning in a team.
  • Open learning creates diversity. All the more the rule is: “What you don’t want to face from someone else, don’t do to anyone else!”
  • Open learning creates real learning worlds for the acquisition of expertise, language skills, general education and social competence.
  • Students learn to distinguish important things from the unimportant, right from wrong and they efficiently and persistently pursue feasible goals.
  • Open learning methods and tools help to link business and working world and build bridges to organizations, consumers and universities.
  • Open learning demands and promotes flexibility and prepares young people for the challenges of working and everyday life.
  • Discussion is desired in open learning. Dispute under fair conditions can make us all smarter and allows us to achieve valid results.